In the future I would like to work as a dentist, helping people not only to get rid of pain, cavities and diseases but also to help them to recover their smile and with it their self-esteem.
I am currently studying dentistry at the University of Chile. I can't say if I want to do a specialty right away when I finish this career, actually I think it's something I have to see later. What is certain is that I will definitely work in what I am studying, because I like it and I know it is my vocation.
Lately I have been thinking that I would like to work in rural areas, where dental care is more necessary than in the cities... being far from the city does not complicate me, in fact I like the tranquility of the more rural areas.
Regarding the salary, I would really like to live quietly, not with luxuries but I would not want to lack a plate of food or a roof over my head.
I hope I can fulfill my dream because it really is something I have dreamed of since I was a little girl, I always liked going to the dentist, I even liked the smell in the dental office haha. But mostly because I want to be able to help people to be healthy, give them quality of life and self-esteem.
jueves, 28 de abril de 2022
Post 3: My dream job
Post 2: The best holidays ever
My best holidays was when I went on a study tour. We went to the south of Chile for a whole week.
We did a lot of activities, like going to the beach, to a disco, to the pool, we had a gala and toured a lot of locations. It was fun and tiring, we slept very little in the residence, we took advantage of sleeping in the bus while we were on our way to the different activities and places.
I will never forget that when we were in Chiloé "El Trauco", a creature from Chilean mythology that is known for seducing women and then getting them pregnant, got on our bus when we were on our way back and we all got a little scared (fortunately none of us ended up pregnant haha). Although if I had to choose the place I liked the most it would be Pucón because here we did rafting, which consists of going down a river in the direction of the current (downstream), on some kind of boat or raft, it was very exciting and adrenaline-filled.
But definitely what I liked most about this vacation was enjoying all this with my friends.
jueves, 21 de abril de 2022
Post 1: A country I would like to visit
A country I would like to visit is Brazil, the biggest country in South America.
This country is known, among other things, for the carnival in Rio de Janeiro, which is held in late February or early March, with sensational parades, music, dancers, impressive costumes and parties everywhere.
You can also navigate the Amazon River, which is the longest and most abundant in the world, although you must be careful not to dive into it unless you want to have an encounter with piranhas, caimans and anacondas.
In this country you can go from beach to beach, as it has an impressive and very long coastline, and unlike Chile the water of these beaches is not cold, it is quite warm (varies between 20° and 30° Celsius).
In Brazil you can enjoy an excellent view in Rio de Janeiro, which is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, the best point to observe it is from the viewpoint in the Tijuca National Park, where you can contemplate this wonderful city.
Post 4: Time travel to the past or future
It's funny that this is the topic of this week's blog, I was recently asked this very question by my older brother. Honestly I would...